I knew surfers weren't immune to being crazy, but a group?
No i am not a member
burleigh, will be wetting the bed.
thanks tbb, and I'd never shame you for wearing a mask!
I'd recommend not swallowing verbatim the western media clickbait China bashing narrative.
I am in regular contact with lots of Chinese people. The reality over there couldn't be any further from the junk media clickbait hysterical trash we're served up.
I'd actually liken what we're exposed to more to a grand conspiracy theory.
So would the following be clickbait? Do you think this article is in the grand conspiracy basket?
China ~ Covid Dashboard / Maps > as used by US / Oz data sets...(Click Translate!) https://news.qq.com/zt2020/page/feiyan.htm#/
I would hate to be in a Chinese hospital requiring care...care will be non existant if cases over run their poorly run/staffed hospitals.
life is expendable for non party cronies
Lol, “Thermonuclear Bad” not a click bait title at all..!
That all you got after the biggest covid vaccine news?
Unlike you I like to wait for something solid before wetting the bed.
Lol, “Thermonuclear Bad” not a click bait title at all..!
But is the body of the article and what they are saying grand conspiracy?
Is what we hear happening, projected to happen fake news? Is it all a media beat up? Or is what you say your friends say that basically all bs? No real lockdowns and travel and tourism all over China is still goingon?
That all you got after the biggest covid vaccine news?
But is the body of the article and what they are saying grand conspiracy?
Australia's covid death rate to date applied to China's population size predicts about 1m deaths; that's just common sense. India has had 531k deaths.
China's covid vax rate is pretty good:
I like how the article claims that China's deaths, hospitalisations, vax rates, etc, are all fake. I like how the West claims that China's vaccines "don't work" (but we're not allowed to say that about ours...).
Or is what you say your friends say that basically all bs? No real lockdowns and travel and tourism all over China is still goingon?
That's not what I (they) said.
China has had (very strict) mostly targeted lockdowns during covid waves, much like us. I was constantly surprised and jealous to see just how free to live normal lives in between covid waves/lockdowns the Chinese people were, much like us.
China is just now going through what we went through a year ago, with a population of 1.4b. There's really not much more to say about it apart from echoed media clickbait fear mongering and China bashing.
That all you got after the biggest covid vaccine news?
Unlike you I like to wait for something solid before wetting the bed.
From the bloke that wanted to jab every kid in London because they found a trace of polio in the sewage, this is very funny.
Thanks AndyM. I needed that laugh
There Is No Truth. There Is Only Perception. – Gustave Flaubert
"How would you like your conspiracy, Sir?" "Medium rare, please"
AndyM, Roadkill and old dog. Just curious if Dr Kerryn Phelps is a trusted source for medical advice?
Will this ABC journalist have a job?
This is great. More people coming out to talk about the serious vaccine injuries.
Inspired by @drkerrynphelps today I want to say I too have been in a living hell with pericarditis because of the Covid vaccine. Vaccine injuries are real and serious and I sincerely hope more people will speak up. https://t.co/l4XcyH9uuf— Eleni Roussos (@eleni_roussos) December 20, 2022
Inspired by @drkerrynphelps today I want to say I too have been in a living hell with pericarditis because of the Covid vaccine. Vaccine injuries are real and serious and I sincerely hope more people will speak up. https://t.co/l4XcyH9uuf
AndyM, Roadkill and old dog. Just curious if Dr Kerryn Phelps is a trusted source for medical advice?
Burls, no-one's ever hid the fact that the Covid vax has potential side effects. However even in that article featuring Phelps, the first thing she's quoted as saying is “People who have vaccine injuries are not anti-vaxxers, because they have turned up to have vaccines. They’re wanting to protect themselves against the serious consequences of COVID." So unlike you, she's pro vax. In fact it seems though she's very much in agreement with the TGA which states that the protective benefits of vaccination “far outweigh” the potential risks. And when she says that there needs to be better ventilation at schools, access to better masks and improved public health messaging, I couldn't agree more. There were elements of the handling of Covid which were poor, bordering on laughable. But in essence, the vax still appears to have been worthwhile (and let's not get started on the inarguable efficacy of the polio vax et.al.) For you to piddle yourself and see this article as some kind of victory is pretty lame.
AndyM, Roadkill and old dog. Just curious if Dr Kerryn Phelps is a trusted source for medical advice?
No doubt as a GP she was a trusted source of medical advice, I would have no problems seeing here as a GP and taking advice from here.
As far as I can tell, she is now speaking from personal first hand experience in regards to adverse reactions from a vax.
Unlike you, I don't need to wear incontinence pads after reading what she is saying.
AndyM, Roadkill and old dog. Just curious if Dr Kerryn Phelps is a trusted source for medical advice?
Burls, no-one's ever hid the fact that the Covid vax has potential side effects. However even in that article featuring Phelps, the first thing she's quoted as saying is “People who have vaccine injuries are not anti-vaxxers, because they have turned up to have vaccines. They’re wanting to protect themselves against the serious consequences of COVID." So unlike you, she's pro vax. In fact it seems though she's very much in agreement with the TGA which states that the protective benefits of vaccination “far outweigh” the potential risks. And when she says that there needs to be better ventilation at schools, access to better masks and improved public health messaging, I couldn't agree more. There were elements of the handling of Covid which were poor, bordering on laughable. But in essence, the vax still appears to have been worthwhile (and let's not get started on the inarguable efficacy of the polio vax et.al.) For you to piddle yourself and see this article as some kind of victory is pretty lame.
So you believe she’s a trusted source?
AndyM, Roadkill and old dog. Just curious if Dr Kerryn Phelps is a trusted source for medical advice?
No doubt as a GP she was a trusted source of medical advice, I would have no problems seeing here as a GP and taking advice from here.
As far as I can tell, she is now speaking from personal first hand experience in regards to adverse reactions from a vax.
Unlike you, I don't need to wear incontinence pads after reading what she is saying.
Lame response. Both yourself and AndyM missed the most important parts. APHRa silencing doctors regarding vaccine injury.
Your trusted source has spilt the beans and has proven what I have said again and again to be true.
Plus plenty of new info regarding covid vaccine injury and long covid. But let’s start with ahpra first
Masterful deflection and turd polishing Andy M. Ever considered a career in politics? ;-)
AndyM, Roadkill and old dog.
No doubt as a GP she was a trusted source of medical advice, I would have no problems seeing here as a GP and taking advice from here.
As far as I can tell, she is now speaking from personal first hand experience in regards to adverse reactions from a vax.
Unlike you, I don't need to wear incontinence pads after reading what she is saying.
Lame response. Both yourself and AndyM missed the most important parts. APHRa silencing doctors regarding vaccine injury.
Your trusted source has spilt the beans and has proven what I have said again and again to be true.
Plus plenty of new info regarding covid vaccine injury and long covid. But let’s start with ahpra first
Your question was answered…you didn’t ask about what you have called the important parts. It you're too stupid to get that, it isn't my fault.
Your question..” Just curious if Dr Kerryn Phelps is a trusted source for medical advice?”..was answered.
Geez..you are a fucking moron..lol.
AndyM, Roadkill and old dog.
No doubt as a GP she was a trusted source of medical advice, I would have no problems seeing here as a GP and taking advice from here.
As far as I can tell, she is now speaking from personal first hand experience in regards to adverse reactions from a vax.
Unlike you, I don't need to wear incontinence pads after reading what she is saying.
Lame response. Both yourself and AndyM missed the most important parts. APHRa silencing doctors regarding vaccine injury.
Your trusted source has spilt the beans and has proven what I have said again and again to be true.
Plus plenty of new info regarding covid vaccine injury and long covid. But let’s start with ahpra first
Your question was answered…you didn’t ask about what you have called the important parts. It you're too stupid to get that, it isn't my fault.
Your question..” Just curious if Dr Kerryn Phelps is a trusted source for medical advice?”..was answered.
Geez..you are a fucking moron..lol.
lol. Here is what you wrote: "As far as I can tell, she is now speaking from personal first hand experience in regards to adverse reactions from a vax"
Now now we know you're not the smartest person here, but c'mon toadkill, she said A LOT more than that. Some very important things too. Way more then "personal first hand experience" with her and her partners Covid Vax adverse reactions.
The point Phelps is making is that those who are vax injured believed the information they were given and got the vaccine as recommended, therefore they are not anti-vaxxers. And yet they were injured.
The second point she makes is that AHPRA published early on in the piece various statements saying they would sanction doctors if they spoke out in disagreement with they government/TGA/ATAGI interpretation of the evidence despite, of course, the initial evidence being only very preliminary given the short period of scrutiny given to the initial vaccine trials.
In summary, effectively, she is saying is there a clear nett benefit to the vaccines? If so, how many more vaccine injuries would it take to sway this interpretation towards no nett benefit, in actual fact go further towards nett harm? Has the actions of AHPRA influenced the reporting such that, without this influence, we would have seen more vaccine injuries reported? And as such, without this influence, potentially more vaccine injuries would have been reported and a better scientific analysis of their efficacy been established earlier, thus resulting in a greater nett benefit.
A lot of what ifs but that's my interpretation of her statements
@ burls. Yes. However, before you start ejaculating, she isn't backing your extreme conspiracy flog about big pharma, police state govt control, immune system destroying death jabs etc. etc. or that the cons outweigh the benefits to society as a whole. As she says, all meds and vaccinations have some side effects. My personal first-hand experience is that of all the family friends and work mates all who have had 3-4 jabs not one has had any problems. The respiratory clinic where my misses works has done 100k plus jabs and only a couple of people have had an immediate adverse reaction like Dr. Phelp's partner. Anyway, you can't believe anything on mainstream media, you taught me that. Cheers.
AndyM, Roadkill and old dog. Just curious if Dr Kerryn Phelps is a trusted source for medical advice?
Burls, no-one's ever hid the fact that the Covid vax has potential side effects. However even in that article featuring Phelps, the first thing she's quoted as saying is “People who have vaccine injuries are not anti-vaxxers, because they have turned up to have vaccines. They’re wanting to protect themselves against the serious consequences of COVID." So unlike you, she's pro vax. In fact it seems though she's very much in agreement with the TGA which states that the protective benefits of vaccination “far outweigh” the potential risks. And when she says that there needs to be better ventilation at schools, access to better masks and improved public health messaging, I couldn't agree more. There were elements of the handling of Covid which were poor, bordering on laughable. But in essence, the vax still appears to have been worthwhile (and let's not get started on the inarguable efficacy of the polio vax et.al.) For you to piddle yourself and see this article as some kind of victory is pretty lame.
So you believe she’s a trusted source?
I reckon you could bring out your own range of condiments Burls, you could call it Trusted Sauce.
"A Services Australia spokesperson said as of November 23, the department has received 3100 applications, and 79 have been approved for claims totalling $3.9 million" Geez, services Australia are slower at processing these applications than even the FDA are at releasing Pfizers magic ingredients. Noting, it is a rather expensive quagmire they find themselves in so understand that when they're gonna have to fork out likely billions of dollars, stalling is a neccesary safeguard. If there's one good thing comes out of Mrs Phelps statements Iand there's not many because it's pretty tragic reading what's happened to her and her partner) it's that finally those that have been asking questions all along aren't vilified for doing just that. Nothing wrong with asking questions, nothing wrong with adjusting your viewpoint. https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/not-anti-vaxxers-dr-kerryn-phelp...
A good interview. The 9min30 mark for Andy M and Toad specifically. Don't be afraid to ask questions. It's not against the law and doesn't make you a cop killer.
Okay I expected anti vax stuff I didn’t expect people to say I wasn’t really injured. I mean, I even put a video up. I’m out for a while. More than I have in me atm.— Prof Gemma Carey PhD MMedSci (@gemcarey) December 21, 2022 https://www.crikey.com.au/2022/12/21/vaccine-safety-side-effects-covid-19/
Okay I expected anti vax stuff I didn’t expect people to say I wasn’t really injured. I mean, I even put a video up. I’m out for a while. More than I have in me atm.
@ burls. Yes. However, before you start ejaculating, she isn't backing your extreme conspiracy flog about big pharma, police state govt control, immune system destroying death jabs etc. etc. or that the cons outweigh the benefits to society as a whole. As she says, all meds and vaccinations have some side effects. My personal first-hand experience is that of all the family friends and work mates all who have had 3-4 jabs not one has had any problems. The respiratory clinic where my misses works has done 100k plus jabs and only a couple of people have had an immediate adverse reaction like Dr. Phelp's partner. Anyway, you can't believe anything on mainstream media, you taught me that. Cheers.
Ah yep, didn’t happen to your family so it didn’t happen hey.
100k+ jabs at a respiratory clinic and a couple of people had “immediate reactions” So many questions………. Like how does a cleaner of a clinic know how many instant adverse reactions they had
AndyM, Roadkill and old dog. Just curious if Dr Kerryn Phelps is a trusted source for medical advice?
Burls, no-one's ever hid the fact that the Covid vax has potential side effects. However even in that article featuring Phelps, the first thing she's quoted as saying is “People who have vaccine injuries are not anti-vaxxers, because they have turned up to have vaccines. They’re wanting to protect themselves against the serious consequences of COVID." So unlike you, she's pro vax. In fact it seems though she's very much in agreement with the TGA which states that the protective benefits of vaccination “far outweigh” the potential risks. And when she says that there needs to be better ventilation at schools, access to better masks and improved public health messaging, I couldn't agree more. There were elements of the handling of Covid which were poor, bordering on laughable. But in essence, the vax still appears to have been worthwhile (and let's not get started on the inarguable efficacy of the polio vax et.al.) For you to piddle yourself and see this article as some kind of victory is pretty lame.
So you believe she’s a trusted source?
I reckon you could bring out your own range of condiments Burls, you could call it Trusted Sauce.
I’m loyal to the foil AndyM. And it’s done a great job so far. I’ll bring out my own range of tin foil hats. What’s ya size?
@BD , listening to this ABC radio interviewing Dr Phelps , I kept thinking , why did it take her 18 months to say something ?
Sorry BD, when a cardiologist says side-effects are rare I’ll take his word over yours.
Good question @supa. Considering it happened to both her and her partner, and not just one of them hence ..you'd feel the need to cry out for help..., she likely accepted the impending pressure from APHRA and her livelihood potentially coming under the axe as a consequence, plus the media attention that she'd be exposed to, especially the doubters, and theres millions of them(as u posted above), plus knowing it was happening to other people in her profession, there was probably alot to contemplate, as it would be for any doctor or politician or scientist who sticks their neck out. Unchartered territory and so many factors to consider before speaking out. Just makes it all the more brave and adds weight to her voice. Her credentials are at the top of the tree. Bizarre though how no matter how long the obvious signs have been there, the doubters have ridiculed those that point them out. Almost like one of those doubters going to the beach for a surf, and someone comes in and say's 'there's a huge fucking shark out there, don't go out' and the doubter says, 'you're not a fisheries officer, so i don't believe you'. Where has the humanity and trust in others who have concern for others welfare gone?
Sorry BD, when a cardiologist says side-effects are rare I’ll take his word over yours.
What if the cardiologist was Dr Peter McCullough ? In his latest interview he reckons vaccine injury is more likely 25,000 per million, I wouldn’t know if that’s true. If another Dr who wasn’t as well known as Dr Phelps had brought this subject up , how would they have been treated ?
“ Where has the humanity and trust in others who have concern for others welfare gone?” What, like doctors and scientists?
Sorry BD, when a cardiologist says side-effects are rare I’ll take his word over yours.
Why did the ABC article highlight the word 'some'. Media bias? Why the need to draw the readers attention to that word, when it should be something that needs no explanation, if it wasn't something that needed an explanation to begin with?
“ Where has the humanity and trust in others who have concern for others welfare gone?” What, like doctors and scientists?
Here we go again. Doctors and scientists. Show me the science AndyM?????? Just one paragraph of it will do. Show me the science behind the jab, that it seems only you have, and the rest of the world hasn't got, ...except pfizer and the FDA. Andy M? The science?? I'd love to see it.
Even more astounding is that this poor Kerryn Phelps has said that APHRA has made it impossible for doctors to speak out, and Andy M says, trust what the doctors say! The former chief medical officer of NSW has just said that the doctors CAN'T speak out, in fear of losing their licence, yet here's Andy M saying to trust the doctors. Seriously, wtf?
Going on to 3 years now of living in a divided, polarised society at war with itself in which we are unable to openly, publicly debate and ask very basic valid questions about what is going on around us, nor publicly report very basic facts about our lives such as vaccine injuries.
A society in which it is now coming to light that the whole medical profession has been oppressed into censorship via being threatened with their reputations and careers for speaking out with anything that may contradict and undermine the government's covid response.
A society in which social media is coordinating with government agencies to censor and control debate and narrative, interfering with elections and shadow banning some of the highest ranking medical and academic experts on the planet.
It was only a few weeks ago that this kind of stuff would be panned as alt right deep state conspiracy theory, but here we are with all the evidence spewing out of the bilges of the ship, via people finally having the courage to speak up, and via crazy people having to spend $44b to buy a whole social media company, etc.
How did things get to this?
My thoughts too, gsco. Drives me insane.
@ burleigh, the receptionist at a clinic gets to see and talk to every single person before and after they get vaccinated and has to answer every phone call from every patient thereafter. Just saying. Immediate reactions are almost unheard of. But don't let the facts get in the way of "your truth". There is no worldwide massive conspiracy coverup and the truth whatever it is will eventually come out without your preaching. Perhaps you should declare your bedroom a sovereign state and be done with it. Cheers.
@ burleigh, the receptionist at a clinic gets to see and talk to every single person before and after they get vaccinated and has to answer every phone call from every patient thereafter. Just saying. Immediate reactions are almost unheard of. But don't let the facts get in the way of "your truth". There is no worldwide massive conspiracy coverup and the truth whatever it is will eventually come out without your preaching. Perhaps you should declare your bedroom a sovereign state and be done with it. Cheers.
Dr Keryn Phelps literally just stated Ahpra are silencing doctors. Which is 100% a cover up.
A receptionist…… lol what a trust worthy source of information.
A society and culture nicely reflected in this thread:
One in which people who present facts and asks questions that may contradict and cast doubt on the narrative we have been relentlessly spammed and echoed into believing and adhering to are ruthlessly set upon with full blown information warfare tactics, are endlessly brutally trolled and abused, and now seemingly slammed and written off as extreme right wing deep state conspiracy theorists who are currently in the process of setting up a sovereign state on an outback property with the aim of luring innocent police just doing their job onto it to ambush and slaughter them in cold blood.
A bit over-dramatic GSCO? But yeah there's two major issues there - governments and other authority institutions have lost a huge amount of credibility, and secondly, people are just flat-out making shit up. Truth is optional and it's ok to make up your own reality. "People who present facts"? Few and far between, a bit like the boy who cried wolf.
It's a mix of crony-capitalism and corporate media, and ego and social-media fuelled ultra libertarianism/post-modernism/nihilism.
lol, it’s ok to be a bit melodramatic here and there ;-)
I agree with what you said.
Some of the stuff happening on social media, for instance what the two people above - Gemma Carey and Kerryn Phelps - are being subject to, is really nasty.
What are they being subjected to? Seems like what they're saying is worth considering.
Well for instance what supa posted above that Gemma Carey was accused of making it all up.
We’re still a very long way away from rational debate in society and being safe to air simple facts.
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